Together in the void

Real Audio file - click only if you have the Real Audio Plug-in

Time flows in mysterious ways,
it's never merely a matter of days

but in this other time above
it's all connected up with love
laughter singing peace and joy,
will never, ever be destroyed,
they're always together, forever in the void.


Sometimes though it's hard to see that love flowin' forever in eternity

but if you focus on the mind
joy is never hard to find


joy is not and never pleasure can't be captured held or measured
is only in the present together with the void.


So if, by chance, you happen to see that love growing forever in eternity

well then the love that is that mind will fill you up and empty time

then the joy that is not pleasure comes, each moment new-born treasure

always together, forever in the void.

And every laugh that ever was heard
and every song sung by every singing bird

and all the peace and all the love are held forever up above
all the songs with all the singers all thegether "goin' their dingers"
always together, forever in the void.

For time flows in mysterious ways,
it's never merely a matter of days
but in this other time above we're all connected up with love
laughter singing peace and joy, will never, ever be destroyed,
they're always together, forever in the void.